Celebrating the 2020 Knowledge Makers

The fifth volume of Knowledge Makers started with change. Dr. Sereana Naepi, the founder of the Knowledge Makers program was moving across the world, home to Aotearoa. The day after the workshop. 

The Knowledge Makers program had to adapt. With guidance from Sereana across the ocean and an amazing team here on Turtle Island, we published the 2020 Knowledge Makers Journal. Papers were written, re-written and then reviewed a few more times. We met, ate pizza and looked at the proof of the journal. The Knowledge Makers saw their work, in an academic journal. The journal was reviewed. One. Last. Time. It was sent to the printer.

The invitations for the Celebration (scheduled for March 26th) were sent out. 

Then the world changed. 

And Knowledge Makers needed to adapt again. The 2020 Knowledge Maker were forced into a virtual world but will soon be leaders in this new space. We would like to thank the 2020 Knowledge Makers for their patience, understanding, ability to adapt, for demonstrating resilience, and sharing their amazing work. 

One benefit to moving online is… we can reach further. Explore and share the work of the 2020 Knowledge Makers. 

Celebration of the 2020 Knowledge Makers

This year, Knowledge Makers got gift baskets instead of a banquet. A video call instead of standing on stage, reading their work to their loved ones. Instead Knowledge Makers can share their work through the links below; you can find their article and possibly a video. Leave comments and share their work. 

Find the journal here. Enjoy the videos!

Videos for the Celebration
Welcome to the Knowledge Makers

Introducing the 2020 Knowledge Makers

The 2020 Knowledge Makers

First video includes Alexis Edwards, Alice George, Emily Toews, Jade Abounassar and Jennifer Edwards.


The second video includes Marshal Kraus, Melissa Coutlee, Michael Daniel Broadfoot, Nikki Fraser , Thomas James, Tia Stanley and Wynona Edwards.


Greetings for the Knowledge Makers

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  1. Beautiful and very moving tribute to our Elder Estella. kakiway kinanastomtinaw. I am so very grateful for the making and sharing of the amazing research work.

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